Friday, March 28, 2008

Christmas Joy (aka CJ)

Over spring break our family dog died. CJ was 15 years old. So, as our family said he had a good life. It was really hard to go home and not see him there laying around the house in his normal places. I remember when we got CJ. It was around Christmas (it might have even been Christmas Eve) when CJ was brought to our house. I was only five then so he has always been around for me. We named his Christmas Joy because we got him at Christmas but we called him CJ. Anyway, it is always hard when you lose a pet since they are apart of the family. One thing I can say about the dog is that he has had some pretty close calls. When we were younger by brother was playing baseball in the backyard and after swinging the bat he let go and CJ ran right into the bat. It knocked him out cold. We thought for sure we had lost him. But he survived, thankfully. Crazy dog :) We all loved him and will miss the little slobbery dog :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww - beautiful post. I am sorry to hear about CJ, but I'm sure he's in doggy heaven picking out new favorite places to snooze.